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Via Bice Sip & Shop Summer Extravaganza Attracts Savvy Shopping Crowd

Eye of the Needle, Haberdashery, and Taglialatella Galleries welcomed neighboring boutiques and local designers to participate in their first annual Via Bice Sip and Shop Summer Extravaganza. Palm Beach shoe design icon Stubbs & Wootton, swimwear by Strong Boalt, Jewelry by Allegra Fanjul & Very Allegra,KOKO Kenya by Emily Dryer, and jewelry by Jackie Robinson were among the local designers who set up 'side-walk' pop ups. BICE Ristorante offered complimentary hors d'oeuvres, happy hour cocktails and preferred prices for dining.

Among the 200 savvy buyers who jumped on the opportunity to join friends, meet the designers and purchase favorite designer items at discounted prices were: Bettina Anderson, Kristina Anderson McPherson; Loy Anderson; Frances Webster Peter; Lizzi Sned, Richard and Diana Horowitz; Yelitza Karolyi; T.K. Kaytmaz; Stephen Norris; Adrianna and Paola Burger; Catherine Saxton; Candee Weitzman; Cheryl Gowdy; Pamla O'Connor; Jim Pappas; Jennifer McHenry.

"The more the merrier," said Karen Golov, owner of Eye of the Needle "We need to do this more often. It's a great way to spend time with our local clients and offer them something special."

Click here to view more photos... Photo Credit: Christopher Fay

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