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Patricia Condé Gallery introduces 'Another Planet' to Mexico City

Patricia Condé Gallery will introduce internationally renown New York photographer and author of "Another Planet", Christophe von Hohenberg, during an exhibit and booksigning in Mexico City, on Wednesday May 27 at 7:00 pm. In 'Another Planet' Von Hohenberg captures the big apple during the 70's and 80's, immortalizing models, artists, designers musicians, gallerists and other icons who reigned during that era, including Andy Warhol, Leo Castelli, and Blondie among others..

A time capsule from its time, Another Planet features 20 years of images. This historical review is a diary which narrates the era and the life Hohenberg belonged to. The title of the exhibition "Another Planet", refers to th same titled book, published by Editions Trilce which compiles much of the vast photographic collection of Christophe von Hohenberg.

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