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Black River Caviar celebrates Ceelo Green's 30th Birthday

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Black River Caviar was invited to partake in Ceelo Green's 30th Birthday Bash in Atlanta, and I was lucky enough to be part of the festivities as Brand Ambassador. Needless to say the Russian oscietra was a big hit at the star-studded event! Renowned Chef Jaime Doliveira used one of his signature recipes for the presentation---purple roasted potatoes, a dollop of vodka infused creme fraiche, a generous serving of Russian Oscietra, topped with a garnish of chopped chives.


Below- Dr. J's wife Dorys Madden Erving watching son Jules loving the caviar

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Met wonderful people, favorite time was spent at Julius Erving's home where his gorgeous and gracious wife, Dorys welcomed us as if we had been long time friends!

Looking forward to the next time, Atlanta!!

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